Getting Started

CNC machine tool

Add a New Widget

Widgets are the building blocks of your content. Adding widgets is simple. If you are in editing mode (just add /scrivito/ to the URL above and switch from Preview mode to Edit mode) you will see a green frame around this text when you hover over it. Green frames are used for widgets containing content. You will also see yellow frames, meant to contain other widgets and blue frames meant to contain navigations. To add a new widget click on one of the green boxes with a white plus sign above or below the green frame. Then select the widget from the Widget Browser and add the corresponding content to the type of widget you selected. Go ahead, give it a try!

Add a New Page

Pages have a defined layout and are meant to be a framework to begin editing. To create a new page, activate the Edit mode via the Scrivito panel. Next, note that there are two options for where and how to create a new page. If you want to add a page to the defined navigation hierarchy then select 'Add page' from the menu of a blue navigation handle in the navigation bar. If you wish to add a new page without a link in the navigation you can select 'Create page' from the hamburger/ page menu in the top right corner of this page. How about adding a landing page!?


Different homepage variants

Homepage variant 1 screenshot

Choose a different homepage variant

Ipsum qui enim ex incididunt tempor Lorem amet culpa magna eu est aliquip amet. Lorem aute labore tempor anim reprehenderit magna reprehenderit adipisicing. Esse voluptate irure anim culpa quis ex. Ipsum amet dolore irure veniam officia in laborum.

Homepage variant 2 screenshot

Choose a different homepage variant

Ut tempor mollit non est ea sint adipisicing. Magna tempor officia non ea sunt esse excepteur in veniam non commodo. Officia ea veniam qui nulla ad deserunt ipsum mollit enim occaecat labore eiusmod voluptate.

Short collection of our awarded work

Amet aute magna labore ut sit pariatur qui do eu in cupidatat commodo do. Eu proident commodo adipisicing eu nulla incididunt fugiat exercitation enim enim commodo velit esse id. Id cillum quis reprehenderit Lorem dolor enim laborum sint. Aute Lorem veniam nostrud dolor nostrud.

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    In adipisicing eu reprehenderit velit commodo enim

    Cupidatat reprehenderit enim elit est quis dolor. Dolore est anim non consectetur laborum officia ad aliqua velit dolore est mollit. Do pariatur consequat deserunt magna velit aute. Elit consequat et consequat aliquip mollit. Magna magna adipisicing ex velit aute proident excepteur. Ipsum do do...

  • Automatisierung

    Excepteur consectetur esse laborum velit

    Consectetur duis occaecat dolor ipsum fugiat adipisicing

    Dolor enim duis velit voluptate eiusmod veniam ad consequat. Aliqua elit ex ut aliquip et sunt minim labore consectetur occaecat minim et tempor aliquip. Dolore sit veniam dolore proident veniam eu minim incididunt officia ut voluptate amet veniam. Laborum sit voluptate anim ullamco occaecat...

What people are saying


Non nulla ea cillum minim non dolor sit ex et veniam eiusmod aliqua. Consectetur et nisi enim enim nisi incididunt do.

Alice Smith, CEO @ Acme